Hey! I'm Levi 👋


About me 🕵️

  • I'm an 18-year-old in the US who loves creating businesses and learning
  • I'm a minimalist with under 100 items
  • I was Valedictorian of my high school class
  • I chose not to attend college and am instead pursuing entrepreneurship
  • I love reading so much that I used to it for eight hours daily (I now do one hour)
  • I drink only water and eat only healthy food
  • Almost everything I own is black, white, or gray
  • I'm madly in love with Anki

Our roadmap to utopia—and how I can help 🌲

VERSION 5 OF 1000 - OCT 7, 2024

Improvement never happens on its own.

Every innovation, every improvement, was made via force—via consistent effort.

Never blindly assume tomorrow will be better. Because it won't be unless you make it so.


The problems we must solve

Personal Mastery
2024 - 2035
2025 - 2030
2028 - 2043
2035 - 2046
World Peace
2040 - 2041
2040 - 2050
2045 - 2060

If you want to use any of these ideas, go ahead! Somebody has to change the world, so why not you?

Personal Mastery
Achieve personal mastery and gain enough money to make the other pursuits feasible
Make $50 off a business
5 months ago
Research extensively on personal development and mastery techniques
1 month ago
Publish a full-stack app
in 23 days
Make $100 off a business
in 1 month
Create 10,000 Anki cards
in 3 months
Make $1,000 off a business
in 3 months
Make $10,000 off a business
in 6 months
Make $100,000 off a business
in 10 months
Find a mentor who can guide and teach me
in 1 year
Study and practice leadership to become great at it
in 1 year
Create 100,000 Anki cards
in 1 year
Have effectively perfect morals
in 1 year
Make $1,000,000 off a business
in 1 year
Increase daily innovations to 560x to become the greatest iterator
in 3 years
Create 200,000 Anki cards
in 3 years
Make $10,000,000 off a business
in 3 years
Become celibate to focus energy and discipline
in 3 years
Achieve complete mastery of desire, emotions, and willpower
in 4 years
Read 1,000 books
in 11 years
Create a global, open-access education system with AI teachers
Research extensively on gamification, learning, global education systems, and AI technology
in 7 months
Find a co-founder for an education business
in 8 months
Create a company to develop AI-powered education platforms
in 9 months
Ship an MVP education platform
in 10 months
Fail 10,000 times, lose money, keep going anyway
in 1 year
Do extensive research and development to refine
in 1 year
License the app to one education system
in 1 year
License the app to a foreign education system
in 3 years
Keep the team light but self-sufficient enough to where I am not integral
in 4 years
Scale up the app a ton
in 6 years
Eradicate poverty through developing AGI robots and implementing UBI
Research extensively on poverty eradication strategies and AGI robots
in 4 years
Gather a team of genius people in AI and robotics
in 4 years
Create a company focused on developing AGI robots
in 4 years
Use existing research to develop a robot matching current capabilities
in 4 years
Fail 10,000 times, lose money, keep going anyway
in 6 years
Innovate to create a robot that can do anything a human can do
in 7 years
Reduce the cost to make the robot cheaper than $5,000
in 10 years
Establish Universal Basic Income (UBI) for first-world countries
in 14 years
Expand UBI to all other countries
in 18 years
Achieve biological immortality through anti-aging research and therapies
Research extensively on biological immortality and anti-aging technologies
in 10 years
Gather a team of genius people in biotechnology and genetics
in 10 years
Create a company focused on anti-aging research and therapies
in 10 years
Fail 10,000 times, lose money, keep going anyway
in 13 years
Expand the human life at a rate proportional to time
in 14 years
Obtain regulatory approvals for anti-aging therapies
in 14 years
Make treatments affordable and accessible globally
in 21 years
World Peace
Promote global peace by addressing the root causes of hatred and war
Research extensively on the root causes of hatred and war
in 15 years
Gather a team of experts in psychology, sociology, and international relations
in 15 years
Develop educational programs promoting empathy and cultural understanding
in 15 years
To be determined. (This one's difficult to plan for. I'll finish it soon)
in 16 years
Eliminate hunger by developing affordable, tasty non-animal food
Research extensively on sustainable food production and plant-based alternatives
in 15 years
Gather a team of experts in food science, agriculture, and biotechnology
in 15 years
Fail 10,000 times, lose money, keep going anyway
in 18 years
Develop non-animal food that is cheap, healthy, and can taste like anything
in 19 years
Scale production to reduce costs and increase availability
in 20 years
Partner with governments and NGOs to distribute food globally
in 22 years
Eliminate hunger by making affordable food globally available
in 25 years
Enhance human intelligence through safe and ethical methods
Research extensively on enhancing human intelligence
in 20 years
Gather a team of experts in neuroscience, cognitive science, and AI
in 20 years
Fail 10,000 times, lose money, keep going anyway
in 23 years
Develop cognitive enhancement technologies that are safe and ethical
in 24 years
Create brain-computer interfaces to augment human intelligence
in 25 years
Conduct trials to ensure safety and effectiveness
in 28 years
Make intelligence enhancement accessible to all
in 35 years
Human Limitations
Overcome human biological and cognitive limitations
Research extensively on overcoming human limitations
in 30 years
Gather a team of genius people in neuroscience, genetics, and technology
in 30 years
Fail 10,000 times, lose money, keep going anyway
in 33 years
Develop technologies for perfect memory enhancement
in 34 years
Create solutions to defeat disabilities brain chips
in 36 years
Eliminate non-helpful pain through brain chips
in 38 years
Develop technologies to alter subjective time perception safely via brain chip
in 40 years
Remove language barriers with universal translators
in 40 years
Create methods to record and revisit past experiences
in 42 years

A plan is good, but alone it wont change the world. Only action will. So let's get to work.

Challenges we must overcome 🧑‍🚀

  • Doubt from others and self
  • Not learning enough
  • Too ingrained in wanting pleasure
  • Losing motivation
  • Fear of leaving the comfort zone
  • Not working hard enough
  • Too much busywork
  • Embrassment from failures
  • Balancing idealism with realism
  • Unforseen obstacles
  • Lack of collaboration
  • Impatience
  • Perfectionism
  • Criticism
  • Not adapting enough
  • Output dilution from doing too much at once
  • Discouragement from failures
  • Trying to do all the work

My work 🎯